問:有牛奶敏感的BB需要用深度水解蛋白奶粉 代替普通奶粉 ,但兩者的營養價值有差別嗎
答:沒有,兩種奶粉的營養價值相約。兩種奶粉的分別其實只在於蛋白結構 不同:
Q: Do babies withmilkallergy need to depend on hydrolyzed protein formula milk instead of normal formula milk, is there any difference in the nutritional value of the two?
Answer: No, the nutritional value of the two milk powders is the same. The difference between the two milk powders is only in the protein structure:
The milk protein structure in ordinary milk powder is a complete structure .
While the milk protein in the deeply hydrolyzed protein milk powder is hydrolyzed and broken down into smaller protein molecules, which reduces the chance of allergies and is easier to be absorbed
過敏症是最常見的長期病患,發生的原因是因為身體對本來無害的物質產生不正常的免疫反應,敏感測試及防塵蟎的產品,讓敏感人士可以知道自己對什麼致敏原產生敏感,以及購買防蟎床墊、防蟎套、防蟎枕頭、防蟎被套、防蟎被、防蟎床墊套等等。 Ksena Healthcare aims to reduce the impact of allergic reactions on patients’ daily life, and at the same time to relieve parents’ worries on their allergic children. By performing allergy test, allergic patients can stay away from the allergens that they are allergic to, and improve their sleeping quality by using anti-case encase bedding.
2023年1月24日 星期二
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