Ksena Healthcare aims to reduce the impact of allergic reactions on patients’ daily life, and at the same time to relieve parents’ worries on their allergic children. By performing allergy test, allergic patients can stay away from the allergens that they are allergic to, and improve their sleeping quality by using anti-case encase bedding.
小麥的致敏原分子包括Tri a 14、 Tri a 19及Tri a 30,部份人進行小麥製品後,會產生過敏反應。
其中Tri a 19 是主要引起兒童急性過敏反應及小麥依賴運動誘發過敏性休克(WDEIA)的主要過敏原分子, 當進食小麥製品加上做運動後,可能會較容易出現蕁麻疹、嘔吐、腹瀉、眼部及咀部腫脹等過敏反應,嚴重的甚至可引起過敏性休克! 如果懷疑對小麥過敏的人士,建議進行利用納米技術的最新一代IgE過敏測試#Faber,除了檢測小麥的致敏原分子(Tri a 14、 Tri a 19及Tri a 30)外,還可以驗出 295 種食物及環境致敏原分子,測試超過 95%可避免的致敏原,從而找出「食物過敏」的元兇,減少出現食物過敏反應的機會。
Q: Do babies withmilkallergyneed to depend on hydrolyzed protein formula milk instead of normal formula milk, is there any difference in the nutritional value of the two? Answer: No, the nutritional value of the two milk powders is the same. The difference between the two milk powders is only in the proteinstructure:
The milk protein structure in ordinary milk powder is a complete structure . While the milk protein in the deeply hydrolyzed protein milk powder is hydrolyzed and broken down into smaller protein molecules, which reduces the chance ofallergiesand is easier to be absorbed