2015年7月29日 星期三

脫敏治療 - 舌下脫敏液

免疫療法是目前能治癒過敏症的治療,針對過敏症的成因從而脫敏。口服脫敏治療,含在舌下 / 脷底,以助患者脫敏。舌下脫敏液是一種包含致敏源的血清,只需在舌底下含服,亦稱為舌下免疫治療。


脫敏治療 - 舌下脫敏液

脫敏治療適合能於幼兒身上。愈來愈多研究證明顯示,及早開始脫敏治療能減低幼兒長大後出現哮喘的機會。脫敏治療對於濕疹、復 發性中耳炎這兩種過敏症患者亦有幫助。部份患異位性皮膚炎而未有接受治療的兒童,將來亦有可能出現哮喘。最重要的是,哮喘的普遍程度幾乎可媲美流行病,而脫敏治療正正能減低過敏兒童的哮喘發病率。




參考資料: ksena.com.hk

2015年7月7日 星期二

What is FastCheckPOC ?

FastCheckPOC® is a registered in-vitro diagnostics test in Germany and other member states of the European Union.

This test is to diagnose type I allergic sensitizations in patients who show clinical symptoms such as:

  • Seasonal and perennial rhinitis and conjunctivitis
  • Allergic asthma
  • Allergic eczema
  • Allergic gastrointestinal disorders

FastCheckPOC® is particularly well-suited for patients undergoing treatment with antihistamines or patients suffering from dermatitis or other skin conditions with contraindications to skin testing. The test is also ideal for individuals averse to skin prick, scratch or intracutaneous allergy testing (e.g. children, elderly persons, pregnant women), or for patients who are predisposed to anaphylactic episodes.

Reliable, Efficient and Comprehensive allergy screening test

  • Sensitivity and specificity are comparable to the Gold Standard (Pharmacia UniCAP)
  • Confirm the presence of frequently occurring allergies in short time
  • Cover over 90% of the most predominant allergens

Reference information: http://www.allergytest.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.